Throughout history, the area along the canal in Hasselt has changed from an industrial zone to a residential environment. The many large-scale developments are at odds with the neighbourhood character of the Heilig-Hart neighbourhood behind it and cause a commotion.

After the iconic Gelatine factory site was sold, Endeavour worked with OMGEVING to draw up an ambition framework in dialogue with the developers, the city and the neighbourhood. This served as a briefing for the designers so that they take local needs into account.

To enable close involvement and more direct communication between developers, the city and the neighbourhood, a sounding board group was set up with local residents who represent a wider constituency in the neighbourhood, such as the parents' committee, the scouts, and action committees.

In order to arrive at supported ambitions, we conducted interviews, a walk with local residents, thematic work sessions and public events. The briefing of the designers was the final element and also the call for further involvement in the design process.

Download the ambition framework here and/or visit the website of the project developers.

Van Roey Vastgoed, Chateau Real Estate, Besix Red, stad Hasselt
Hanne, Sophie, Tim